Friday, November 8, 2013

What should schools do to help who are victims of bullies?

Schools can bring victims of bullying to counselor offices. The victims can discuss their problems to the counselor. The counselor can give advice to the victim by ways that the victim can avoid bullies. An advice can be keeping the victim far away from the bully so the bully will not get close to the victim. Another way is to ignore text messages from bullies if the bully uses cyber bulling.

Schools can also tell the victims of bullies to go tell to the security guard or other emergency personnel such as the nurse. The victim may go to the therapy so the victim can tell the therapists their problems with bullying. The therapists can suggest solutions to the victim. The victims can go tell their favorite teachers as well, if they have any. They can also tell their friends, family, or their loved ones about it too.

Schools also host anti-bullying assemblies. These assemblies would teach the audience the horrors of bullying and the audience could learn from it. The school can also make anti-bullying rules but it may need to be approved similar like governmental laws. Then the schools can expel the very mean bullies who do very bad things to people out of school. Then the school will be more peaceful than the last.

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