Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Exit ticket 11/27/13

I know enough to ask good questions. I know much about obesity and its problems that it caused such as diabeetus. I can ask questions how people get obesity, what are their treatment options, how many people are obese, etc.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Exit Ticket: What background information would get an overview of my topic?

Obesity: I need the percentages, the diseases that it caused, what gender/age affected the most, names of people who are affected by it, and the death toll by obesity.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Exit ticket:
What do I think I know or already know about this topic???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

I think I already know about is that obesity can cause diabeetus, heart diseases, create plaques in blood vessels, strokes,  liver diseases, etc.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Exit ticket 11/18/13:
What this interests me...

This obesity interests me more. There is also a cause of obesity called addiction. This addiction is not about the addiction to drugs or alcohol but to food. Many people get obese because they can't stop eating the food such as McDonald's until they get enough. I am also addicted to food because food is tasty. People have an addiction to their favorite foods.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

What I'm confused about...

I am confused about something from my English class. I have to write a CTEA paragraph and the only thing that I am confused about is the Transition (an intro of the evidence). I am lost in transition. I asked my teacher about it, he showed my what to do, and I think I'm okay with it. I must not talk about the story when I am writing the transition.

Another thing that it got me confused is the "You remind me of a man" thing. It started off like this: X: "You reminded me of a man." Y: "What man?" X: "A man of power." Y: "What power?" X: "The power of voodoo!" Y: "Who do?" X: "You do!" Y: "Do what?" X: "Remind me of a man." And it goes on for ages. I would like to know the ending of it.

Another thing that I'm a little confused about is some Spanish words. Some Spanish words such as centro and centre makes me think of the same meaning: center. But 1 letter of a word that is changed and it is a whole different meaning. Centro being center and centre being between. I also have a little trouble of words such as a la izquierda and a la derecha whether it means to the left or to the right. Some are irregular words but I'm okay with some such as the verb tener. In conjugated forms, it will be tengo for yo, tienes for tu, tiene for el/ella/ud, tenemos for nosotros, and tienen for ellos/ellas/uds.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Writing Prompt due 11/12/13

I would like to learn about chemistry. I do not have a chemistry class this year even though I wish to take it. I need to learn chemistry so I could have the knowledge about the chemicals in medicine. With the knowledge of chemistry, I can be a pharmacist. I need to know what chemical in medicine does this and that.

I would like to learn another language other than Spanish such as German or Japanese. Because I have watched videos or listened to music that inspired me to learn this particular language that was spoken. Learning a new language makes me understand what foreign people are talking about. I can also understand the lyrics of a song or can read words that are in a different language. I can have a chat with a person from another country.

I would like to learn more about extraterrestrial life. It is just so fascinating to learn about aliens. They have unique biological structure. The movies and the video games that I play is an inspiration. Aliens do have more advanced technology than us and they could be visiting us. I can learn about the components that were needed in a planet that would house life.
What should schools do to help who are victims of bullies?

Schools can bring victims of bullying to counselor offices. The victims can discuss their problems to the counselor. The counselor can give advice to the victim by ways that the victim can avoid bullies. An advice can be keeping the victim far away from the bully so the bully will not get close to the victim. Another way is to ignore text messages from bullies if the bully uses cyber bulling.

Schools can also tell the victims of bullies to go tell to the security guard or other emergency personnel such as the nurse. The victim may go to the therapy so the victim can tell the therapists their problems with bullying. The therapists can suggest solutions to the victim. The victims can go tell their favorite teachers as well, if they have any. They can also tell their friends, family, or their loved ones about it too.

Schools also host anti-bullying assemblies. These assemblies would teach the audience the horrors of bullying and the audience could learn from it. The school can also make anti-bullying rules but it may need to be approved similar like governmental laws. Then the schools can expel the very mean bullies who do very bad things to people out of school. Then the school will be more peaceful than the last.

Monday, November 4, 2013

How I learned: There are many ways that I learned best as a learner:

I can learn from linguistic aspects such as new words. If I don't know a new word, I could define it and learn a new word and its meaning. Learning a language is important! If I do not know a word, I could ask someone for the meaning for it or look up at dictionaries. If I know an advanced word or SAT vocabulary, then I could use these vocabulary words to make my writing more advanced. So, learning linguistically makes my writing much more advanced in vocabulary. Another way by learning linguistically is by reading articles about information of some object such as a pencil, or a car.

I am a spatial learner. I look at pictures to learn stuff of what they are and the message behind it. Some pictures seems fascinating to learn about such as optical illusions. Pictures vary from quality so I could learn which picture is different than which and which is pleasant to look at. Can videos be a spatial aspect of learning such as watching the news, or TV shows such as the discovery channel?

I can learn by interpersonal learning, learning by communicating with people. I can learn what to this this and what not to do this from my parents. I can learn to interact and communicating more with people from my speech teacher. A counselor can also be a great aspect of interpersonal learning. I can learn much more when I communicate with intelligent people. But, debates isn't going to help because I can't decide which side should I agree on the most.